A simple role to help bootstrap a linux server for ansible management. It provisions a user, adds the user to the sudoers group, and configures password-less sudo for that user.
This role only requires a working ansible installation. However, the workflow can benefit from having the SSH askpass installed. See the example playbook below for why.
Role Variables
Variable | Default | Description |
bootstrap_user_name | ansible | The username for ansible to provision |
bootstrap_user_shell | /bin/bash | The shell for the user |
bootstrap_user_ssh_pubkey | "" | The ssh public key string to assign to the user |
bootstrap_user_sudo_group | sudo | The sudo group to add the user to |
This role uses only builtin modules.
Example Playbook
Below is a simple playbook that can be called with any inventory to bootstrap a server with the public key of your current user. An example command would be ansible-playbook -i hosts.yaml --ask-pass bootstrap.yaml
- hosts: all
bootstrap_user_ssh_pubkey: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
- ansible_bootstrap